Choose courage over comfort

In every moment of every day, we have the opportunity to choose courage over comfort. It’s not just about making big swings in life when you’re facing a clear inflection point. You can choose courage in the smallest decisions throughout your day.

I’ve come to learn the nerves and anxieties are hints that I’m going in the right direction. That I’m in a stretch period, where I’m about to do something I haven’t done before, yet isn’t out of reach. It builds resilience of character and confidence in my decision making.

If opportunities are presented in my life, I’ve come to believe they’re there for a reason. That they wouldn’t come to me unless, or until, I’m ready. This internal perspective inspires external action. It looks like courage, but in most instances, it’s simply an act of trust.

Imagine a world where each of us lives in our own truth. Where we don’t outsource the direction of our lives to anyone – not a person, not society, and not strangers. When faced with an easy or hard decision, always choose the latter. Life is leadership training.

This is why I love business and entrepreneurship. As a director and leader (both at Nitschke and as a business coach), I exist in a default state of courage. I’m constantly building the muscle of choosing courage over comfort and convenience, in both the tiny and transformative decisions.

Hard choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life.

By reducing external noise and tapping into our inner compass, we will all show up as more conscious, expanded individuals. We become incomparable, rather than competitors and versions of the same thing. This is true in business and in life.

Failure is part of the journey. Don’t be afraid of it. Like life, see the oscillating nature of business. It’s all one big learning experience, this life. You are the CEO of your business and life. You get to decide how you direct it. Like every good movie, there are challenges and temptations, revelations and transformations. The goal is to find a way to move through the seasons of business, and life, as gracefully and graciously as possible.

You get to choose your own story. No one can take this from you. No matter the circumstance, you’ll never lose your ability to choose how to respond. Every new moment and new morning presents an opportunity to start over. Your personal growth and professional development are two in the same. As you grow, your business grows.