The Complete Leader Conference – real estate motivational speaker

Vulnerability is not a word we hear in the business world very often, especially in sales industries. But I believe it’s our greatest asset and our biggest competitive advantage – because it allows us to lean into a leadership style that’s unique to each one of us. 

Vulnerability is about being unequivocally ourselves, in all parts of business. The way we lead our teams, care for clients, show up in the community, and market ourselves. By leading with vulnerability, we become incomparable, playing to our own strengths. 

This is how we transcend ‘business as usual’, and truly surprise and service our clients. It’s also the best way to elevate our industries, turning fellow companies into friends, not competitors – working together to raise the standards and improve the industry. 

The Complete Leader Conference on authentic leadership

Vulnerability is our greatest asset – as individuals, CEOs, companies, and industries. Authentic leadership isn’t specific to any one industry, like real estate. It’s universal, and likely more important in sales industries. 

I was invited to talk at the Complete Leader Conference about how I leaned into vulnerability to rebuild the family real estate agency business, from the brink of financial collapse into a thriving, profitable business within four years. 

Watch my keynote at the Complete Leader Conference. It brings to life the concepts around leadership, resilience and overcoming obstacles in my book, Leading Out of Loss

Here are some authentic leadership takeaways from the keynote: 

·      Vulnerability is having your back against the wall and the courage to change the direction of your business (or life) 
·      Your industry colleagues are your competitors – the right ones are your confidantes. Don’t copy them, learn from them. 
·      Identify the gap of where you are and where you want to be. Figure out ways to close the gap – daily, weekly, quarterly, and yearly. 
·      A tactical retreat in order to grow is sometimes necessary. Think of it like pulling back a rubber band to gain momentum forward. 
·      The best ideas and ah-ha moments happen outside of the office. Build fun team experiences into your culture. 
·      Allow each team member to see themselves in the company mission 
·      Make growth a game. Create a resilient attitude that embraces change. Gamify performance and progress. Set tangible financial and experience-based rewards. 

What makes a good leader isn’t just your professional experience. It’s all the wisdom that comes from the wins, the lessons that are unearthed in the losses. All of life’s experiences form a leader’s worldview and winning mindset. 

Watch the keynote for tactical strategies to embed these ideas and insights in your business or team. There’s never been a better time for business owners to lead with authenticity, putting people and purpose before profits. To be better before bigger, growing with gratitude. 

Leading Out of Loss is more than a real estate book. It’s a testament to the transformation of leading with vulnerability and heart.