Visionary leadership habits & rituals at Nitschke HQ

Being a leader and business owner is being a mirror. You have to look at yourself and face what’s happening, head on. It’s both an internal and external experience, a catalyst of self-discovery.
You really get to know yourself. Your strengths and limitations, your quirks and rituals, your communication and leadership style. It’s a mirror to who you are and an opportunity to develop as a person.
Leadership is an incredible call to career. Add the fast pace of sales and real estate, and it’s even more thrilling. As Director of a successful real estate agency, I’ve learned the importance of daily rhythms, rituals, and reflections to create order in the chaos.
The unexpected happens. Things get delayed, plans get changed. This is true in all areas of business and life, but especially in real estate.
Habits (both personally and as a team) help ground and centre Nitschke Real Estate HQ. It’s not about being rigid but rather being consistent. If I’m consistent with a few routines, I win the day. My team wins the day, too.
My philosophy is to get better before bigger. We can’t grow Nitschke to be the biggest real estate agency in the Adelaide Hills if we’re not the best. This is the thread that connects everything we do.
My success pillars – making visionary leadership possible
As a leader, it’s my responsibility to show up and be the best version of myself. This means tending to my physical health and mental clarity, so I can lead with confidence and conviction.
I keep it simple: daily steps, regular strength training, nutrition, cold morning showers, and prioritising sleep.
As a leader, there’s no room for anything but honesty – with myself and my team. How I show up informs and impacts everything and everyone else. By showing up for myself, I can be there for everyone else.
Our spirit of realness at Nitschke starts with myself.
Our Nitschke habits
We nerd out about communication rhythms. We make it fun, not just another ‘to-do’ item. Everyone knows the communication standards, so there’s no confusion.
Every morning starts with a daily huddle and every night ends with a loop back. These habits serve as a container to share our intentions and reflect on what worked (and what didn’t).
In the morning, we huddle as departments. At Nitschke, problems are ‘pickles’, as introduced by Nikita. We ask each other if there are any pickles we need to resolve for the day to be a success.
The leadership team get together for a huddle to go through the department ‘pickles’ and plans. By setting up the day, there’s less interruptions throughout it.
Our daily habits keep us all on the same page, working towards our quarterly goals and KPIs. And every quarter gets us closer to our vision of being the biggest real estate agency in the Adelaide Hills by being the best.
By adopting an authentic visionary leadership approach, we transcend the standard way of real estate sales. Look beyond what’s been done before, outside of your industry, for inspiration and ideas.